Avengers assemble May 4


So there is talk of the Avengers coming together for a full blown superhero movie, I am sure you have heard of it by now. With the movie just around the corner I thought it would be a good time to talk about the individual characters and their movies that you can pick up today. If you happen to walk into a walmart or bestbuy I am sure you are going to run into the product placement for the movies. Let’s talk a little about each title and what you will learn in watching them. Let’s start with Iron Man being the first Avenger with a movie, he was introduced in a very cool way that got people excited about a superhero movie really becoming more than just something for kids. When Hollywood get’s it right, they do it so good. They found an awesome team in Robert Downey and Director Jon Favreau. I think a lot of us have known Robert to be a pretty awesome actor, but his portrayal of Tony Stark was a stroke of genius and really made his character one that people will remember for a long time. So if you haven’t seen the first Iron Man, go pick it up at a redbox, or just go straight to buying it, you will not regret owning that movie. Iron Man had a second outing, but let’s just move onto the others, Like Thor, and his hammer.
We were first introduced to Thor at the end of Iron Man 2, where agent coulson finds his hammer in the desert. Thor was a fun one for me as it jumps more into the supernatural and sci-fi world that we all associate with superheroes.
The cool thing about the story line in Thor is how they were able to still make it real in the middle of all the CGI world that they created. In Iron Man we can see that kind machines happening because he works with technology, which is still way off from what we can do, but more believable than Thor.
Many critics are going to look at the emotions and story line, plots etc…which are all good, but the main difference is that many critics do not tailor their review to what they are seeing, Thor had all those things, but in a world that is make believe. I loved it, great acting and great director in Kenneth Branagh, too bad he won’t return for the sequel.
Onto the Hulk, the one that I think would be a hard character to make a movie about considering he never really talks unless he is Dr. Banner and who can really find anything exciting about follow a scientist around. Their first attempt at the Hulk with Eric Bana was a sorry attempt. I have to say I agreed with the critics on that one and boy did that movie get passed on. The version that I really thought brought things back to where it should have been was the Edward Norton film. If you are not familiar with the story behind that one, the short of it is, Edward Norton starred in it, rewrote the script, did a great movie out of it, but Marvel passed on bringing him back due to “creative differences”. Which in all reality, they should of kept him on board, he revived the idea of actually having a great Hulk movie. Edward brought a cool side to the Hulk story and really tried to bring out acting and story as well. Yes I know I said I didn’t care to much about that, but if you can add that to a superhero movie, you are going to have a pretty awesome film.
Finally Captain America! Probably my favorite out of all of the Marvel movies so far (aside from Iron Man). If there is one thing Marvel did well with these movies, it was casting them. Chris Evans was the perfect fit for the classic hero of them all. Captain America, the small town boy that just wanted to make a difference and by trying to always do good in everything and being honest. The perfect guy right? But Captain America really brought it home for Marvel and story and acting as well as the action, special effects the whole package. I love a great fiction story told by great actors and this just makes a movie fun to watch and you really get involved with the people in the story. This is one you most definitely need to pick up and watch before taking on The Avengers on May 4th. Every movie that has led up to this weekend is a must watch to connect the dots and really understand what will be happening in The Avengers. They all have little sub plots and don’t forget to watch the end credits for hidden story lines that introduce the other movies. Fun and creative.

Love watching, talking and writing about movies i've watched. I want to help others sift through critic reviews, so you can watch a movie you may have missed out on because you were misled by a critic.

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