Interview with Mark Pellegrino – Supernatural, The Returned


One of the nicest guy you will ever meet and even after talking to him I still feel kind of scared. This is a man that can create a character and make them very believable, trust me he is good. After talking with him I asked him for a photo-op where we arm wrestle and make serious death stares at each other. I was not able to hold my pose, I tried, while he was stoned faced, didn’t even move an inch, no smiles, or muscle movements.

Mark PIt was amazing the control he has and I guess this is why he is an actor and I am not. I had an opportunity to discuss some of his roles like Supernatural and his most recent show, The Returned. I wish I would of had more time with him to go over how he chooses his roles, the types of movies he likes to make and so much more. This is a transcript of our conversation, if you have met him let me know your thoughts, I would like to hear your how that went and if you have a lot of the same experience that I had with him.

MR2GO: You have been in a lot of shows over the years, to name a few, Supernatural, The Tomorrow People, Revolution and now The Returned. What can you tell us about that show and what can fans expect?
Mark: It’s about a miracle that happens in a little town called Caldwell, Washington. And the miracle is that the dead are returning to life, and my character in particular, Jack Winship deals at the start of the show 4 years after the death of one of my daughters. She comes back as if she has never really been gone, only for a few hours. She is not privee to the devastation her death reap on our family. Our family has since split off and my wife and I live in separate place and I am in a new relationship and my wife is stuck in mourning over our loss daughter Camille when she comes back. So the essence if I am going to sum up a thematic concept, I would say it’s about “be careful what you wish for”. People are returning that we didn’t have a chance for closure with, and we think that it would be a blessing, and we think of miracles as blessings. We come to find another side of these characters that I think is explored and we see that in the show.
MR2GO: What channel will we be able to see that on?
Mark: That will be on A&E, right after Bates Motel and it premieres March 9.
MR2GO: My next questions comes from a lot of people asking me about Supernatural, will we see Lucifer again? I mean this is a show where anything can happen. What do you think?
Mark: Yeah, I don’t know. Because Lucifer, really inhabited the meat suit of Nick and the last time we saw Nick, he was on the floor. We don’t know if he is dead, we assume he is dead. So if they bring back Lucifer, they would have to bring back Nick. I think its interesting and I think obviously there is always a place for Lucifer in a story like Supernatural and with Crowley running around the way he is doing. Hopefully, they will need Lucifer in the future in Nick’s Meat suit, I will keep my Fingers crossed.
MR2GO: Well, thank you for your time and we will be looking for you on The Returned and hopefully Supernatural.

UPDATE: This is an interview that I did over a year ago and back then as you can see we talked about the return to Supernatural, If you have been keeping up on that series you will have found that Lucifer and his meat suit Nick is back on the show. So there you go people, he is back and the question now is for how long? I love talk to these guys, they are so different than what we see on screen and that makes me appreciate their skills even more. He plays such a great bad guy, but he is really cool in person. Love it!

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