Jurassic World – Review


WOW, Just WOW. That should really be my whole review and it is a good WOW. I had expectations for this movie and I felt like it delivered in every way possible and I am glad I was able to be there in IMAX to watch it destroy all the box office records. I am so glad that Jurassic World came to the summer blockbuster fest and is taking control of the movie world, it was just a fun ride and I want to go on it again.

movie_0610_-jurassic-world-webI have been starting to see Chris Pratt in more shows and got to know him from before his Star Lord days when he was on Parks and Rec. Before his muscle days when he had a belly and proud of it. I love seeing actors like him that have a funny side and move into roles like he is doing and the transformation that he made, inspires me to try harder if he can do it. I sat down praying that this movie would live up to the hype and especially since the first Jurassic Park movie was so much fun. Then we had movies 2 and 3 and it just seem like they were trying too hard to make a fun movie and ended up making it bleh.

Jurassic World delivered on all angles, from the smallest of the animals to the biggest and I have to say the effects on this one were incredible. They took the time to plan out and to the smallest detail they were able to capture the animals. I am not a scientist and I am pretty sure some of the things they discussed in the movie is probably based on real science and movie science to make it as real as possible. That is what I like in this kind of movie, if you are going to talk about and try to explain, at least make me believe that is possible. I think we can spot a fake theory because of how dumb it sounds.

Also the characters were able to be introduced in a good way that we got what we needed to know about them and not waste time or movie time telling us useless info about them. Sure something were a little fast and maybe we didn’t get to know some more, but what we got worked for this movie. We are interested in the dinos and the destruction that we knew was going to come. Again here they didn’t waste time with it and got going on the mayhem pretty quick. Until the very end I had a great time, we got action, suspense and the feeling of excitement when the hero wins. You will understand when you watch it, I am not going to spoil that. GO see it, stop reading this NOW and run to a theater and see it.

Love watching, talking and writing about movies i've watched. I want to help others sift through critic reviews, so you can watch a movie you may have missed out on because you were misled by a critic.

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