
Some people have blogs about their families, or maybe their favorite sports, or even what the government is doing? Well, I want to talk about movies. I love movies, love watching them and I own quite a few movies as well. You can say this my hobby. There is one other thing, I HATE critics and their reviews. So I thought I would share my thoughts about movies that are out on DVD, Blu-Ray or even in theaters.

I feel like I am the common movie goer and have thoughts about a movie that most common people would. Yes, I do reviews and I can be considered a critic, but at least I am telling it like it is. No, I am by no means an English major or writer, and yes you will see that in my reviews, but hey, I have a place to voice my thoughts about movies and that is all I need.

I would love to post your stories and reviews on here as part of Moviereviews2go.com. Send me a message and I will get your reviews on here.

If you are looking to advertise or you want me to review your movie, send me a message or mail me your product and I will give you my two cents to share with my readers.

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