Creed – Blu-Ray Review


One of my favorite movies growing up was the Rocky series, I think that is probably going to be the same feeling for a lot of people. I recently got done watching the newest addition to the Rocky family, the movie ‘Creed’. The movie stars Michael B. Jordan and Sylvester Stallone playing the older retired fighter, almost taking on the part Mick played for Rocky when he was getting into the boxing world. I was a kid when I first saw this series and have watched them a million times since and I have to say my least favorite of the Rocky movies is number 5. Agree? good.creed-critic-jumbo

Of course when Creed came out I had to see it and based on what the trailers showed us, it was one I for sure was going to make time for. I Loved it! probably up there with one of the best one in the series. I loved the old school feel, the emotions that it produced, just like the original movies did. Don’t tell me you didn’t cry when he won or when apollo dies or any emotional scene in the movies. Creed does that and in all the right places, I guy can cry and it feels good dang it.

The Blu-ray has some great feature which is a huge part of what I enjoy when buying a movie for myself, I like behind the scene looks and this one has a couple of well made featurette including a look back at the Rocky legacy and how this movie came about. They have a section there about Michael’s training and the realism they wanted to use in the movie. I loved that about the movie, everything was real and had a very human touch to the story telling.
The movie has some great one shot scenes throught out making it that more exciting to watch. When you have a camera follow you down a hallway and then into the ring and watch you fight a match and having to remember the moves and lines and stay in character that long without and edit, genius cinematography. Creed brings back the look and feel of the streets in philly, the people and the vibe that was felt when watching the Rocky movies.

I recommend this movie and it will be one that you can watch with your wife guys! This is up there with the great inspirational movies, Creed does a great job about giving you the never give up and work hard for your dreams. I don[t want to spoil the plot of the movie and hope you watch this to see some great performances and Sylvester Stallone does an incredible job with his part as Rocky.

This is a 2GO pick and you must watch it today!

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