Captain America: Civil War – Movie Review


capposterI have said this before and I will say it again, “Marvel, cannot do wrong”. Seriously, they have some of the most talented people writing their movies and they seem to find the right actors and director to tell the story. In the process they are able to pull off some amazing movie making. I love that we have some great serious and emotional movies coming out of the superhero world.

Captain America: Civil War is the third installment in the series and they really know how to make these movies better with Steve Rogers. I loved the first one, really enjoyed the second one and this one just seems like, how can they make one better than this one? Really? How could they? The beginning of the movie gives us some backstory that is used later on in the movie and ties not only the movie towards the end, but also other stories that we are familiar with this series and other marvel movies.

They have taken the time to create stories that being every single movie to this huge, big picture movie that we can see pieces of thread interwoven in every movie. You can watch this and find parts that will fit with a “Thor” movie or a “Ironman” movie, heck even “Guardians of the Galaxy” will have story lines that can be linked to “Civil War”. I have enjoyed being able to watch these movies and look at things that I saw in others, makes it fun to see the big picture.civil war runningWe see the conflict that gives us the title of the movie unfold throughout the first part of the movie and I used the word emotional earlier because that is the part of the movie where Captain America (Chris Evans) makes this a personal fight. We saw in the trailers that there is a struggle because he wants to help his friend Bucky (cccc) when the world would like to put in prison or kill him. Captain America cannot let that happen to his friend and starts to create a rift between him and his other friends making it hard to choose between the two. Obviously we know he chooses Bucky and that is where the movie takes the emotional turn.
Captain-America-Chris-Evans-ChopperWe get to see some great cameos from past superhero and new ones like Ant-man, Black Panther and Spider-man making their first appearance as an Avenger in a Marvel movie. Tom Holland (Spider-man) has sold me on playing the new Peter Parker/Spider-man and I cannot wait to see him in his solo movie coming out next year.
spidermanI don’t want to give you too much info about the movie as this is a spoiler free review, and I hope you go see it while it’s out in theaters, this is going to blow your minds, well you will have fun at least. I took my kids and they had a blast, there are some slower spots of the movie that maybe the kids didn’t appreciate because of the serious emotional ties that were being expressed, and it helped the movie for me and maybe not so much for the younger viewers.

Go see it and have fun with another great superhero movie this year, I give this a 2GO pick for you.


  • Movie Reviews 2GO 9
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The Captain America series is probably the better of the Marvel movies. Every movie in his story has been improved for each one that came out and it will be a sad day when they stop making them.

9.0 Spectacular!

Love watching, talking and writing about movies i've watched. I want to help others sift through critic reviews, so you can watch a movie you may have missed out on because you were misled by a critic.

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